Leading Effective Teams – Be Committed

It is important to show commitment to your team. Even more important is your commitment to your business. You will find that your entire business and team are not committed to you.

A champion team is a team made up of champions. They don’t consist of superstars that aren’t committed to one another and to the manager. Real Madrid F.C has not won silverware in the last three years despite spending a lot of money.

These are the four ways you can stay committed to ensure that your team is successful.

  1. Get Your Specific Outcome. It is important to understand what you want for your team. Your team will be more aligned if you have a clear outcome. Your company’s goals should be drilled into your team members’ heads, just like a network marketing company that constantly presses into their heads the vision of its members. These teams will be more effective if they are led by people who understand and agree on the same methods. This will allow your team to use their diverse skills and work together towards your goals. This is why there’s a common commitment to making conscious and explicit decisions about the way your team works.

Leaders do things that normal people wouldn’t do. They are able to keep their eyes on the prize, even when it is hard to see the end of the line. You can influence others if you believe in something greater than any other person. Adolf Hitler, in a horrible way, was charismatic enough for this. Even at that time, Sir Winston Churchill managed to mobilize the English during the dark period and lead them into the light in World War II.

Are you able to create your own outcomes and share them with others? Are you able to keep going and not lose heart?

  • Affirmation. Declare loudly to your team what you will do. It can be written down, printed out or even written on paper. You can even stick it on the wall. You will be surprised at the results if you clearly communicate the goals and targets to your team.
  • Some company commanders used to display the results of the physical fitness tests for soldiers. My commanding officer of the battalion bombarded me with questions for three to four months about my goals and strategies to improve the physical condition of my soldiers. My soldiers weren’t aligned with my goals because I didn’t affirm what I wanted for them.

    Do you have the ability to affirm and show others your goals for your team? What consequences could you face if this is not done?

  • Be Passionate. It is vital to have passion because it gives you clarity even in the chaos. Passion is what keeps you going. It gives you the energy to pursue your dreams and visions. We wouldn’t have the aeroplane if the Wright brothers had listened to our critics.
  • You would be surprised at how your team will feel if you don’t commit to a cause. They could sense your ineffectiveness and hesitancy. It would not surprise you to learn that if your team loses faith in you it will be difficult to rebuild it again. Many people will join you because of the excitement. They stay because they feel the “feel”.

    How committed are you to your coworkers? How committed Arif Bhalwani are you to your team members?

  • Massive Action. Massive action is really massive action! You can’t talk if you are serious about leading your team. To get the ball rolling, you must take action.
  • Leaders make the most common mistake of planning in their lives. They may have great ideas, but they don’t make it happen. They don’t want to do what they’re doing. They might be distracted or have too many things on their plate. Whatever the reason, if they don’t take massive action, it would be pointless because nothing would have changed.

    Are you spending your time tinkering around with ideas? Are you pushing them to implement the plans? Are you able to follow up on your plans?

    These four methods are only the beginning of the endless quest for leadership learning. If you use them correctly, you will see improvements in yourself and others.